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Seattle Hypnosis Brain Health Coach

Nice to meet you!

I’m Kristin Rivas.

I specialize in helping people recover their lives from the most difficult circumstances. As a team we collaborate to do this as quickly and painlessly as possible. As a certified hypnotist and brain health coach, I’m dedicated to helping you thrive!

Raised in the south as a pastor’s daughter, I never dreamed I’d become one of the world’s most sought-after Hypnotist, creating life-changing transformational experiences for thousands of clients. 

I’m especially humbled and grateful to have recovered from debilitating illness and been given the opportunity to share my story through a TEDx talk that’s reached over a million people.

Preparing to do the good Lord’s work, and follow in the footsteps of my family, I majored in Missions and Psychology at Southeastern University. I studied in the hopes of one day being able to help refugees recover from the brutalities of war, persecution, or natural disaster.

While I was passionate about serving those who needed it most, my number one fear at the time was whether I’d actually be able to effectively help people get better. The methods I was learning about didn’t seem to offer much hope. The traditional recovery processes seemed painful, slow, and lacking the ability to offer significant or lasting results.

I decided to minor in theater as a way of compensating for the intensity of the task. I was interested in using drama and improv comedy as therapeutic tools for myself and those I might serve. I’ve always believed in the power of storytelling, laughter, creativity, art, dance, and play - as universal languages and medicine.

It was during this time my own life became devastated by the trauma of my beloved sister, Bethany’s death. She died in a car crash due to a drunk driver. I handled it by keeping extremely busy but my sleep was disturbed by nightmares of her death. I started having insomnia, early awakening, and morning nausea. I didn’t realize these were signs that my nervous system was in a nearly constant state of fight or flight that would take a costly toll on my health over time. 

As the months of troubled sleep turned into years, I eventually experienced a physical breakdown only a few months before I was set to graduate. Doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida told me I had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with symptoms of depression and anxiety. They also eventually diagnosed me with Conversion Disorder, also known as Psychosomatic Disorder which is today called Functional Neurological Disorder. 

My prognosis gave me a slim chance at being able to ever fully recover my health based on how negatively I’d responded to at least a half dozen therapies and medications. I’d seemed to become more symptomatic after trying them.

Just when I was about to give up hope, a unique, highly effective method of hypnotherapy for trauma recovery was recommended to me. I experienced the profound healing I so desperately needed over what I can best describe as a “life-changing conversation.” 

Finally, all the pieces of my life's puzzle came together. That session gave me new ways of thinking that made an immediate and drastic shift in how at ease I felt within my body and the world. From that moment on I knew it was possible to live my life with health and joy while fulfilling my purpose and helping others do the same. I couldn’t wait to learn how to use these same enjoyable and effective techniques to help others recover from their own pain and suffering.

I became a student of some of the most extraordinary leaders in the field of mental and physical health. Ones who’ve been getting remarkable results. I became a Certified Hypnotist, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, and Certified Brain Health Coach through the Amen Clinics.

After a decade since starting my own private practice and assisting thousands of clients in their healing journeys, I’ve seen just how beneficial providing a tailored, holistic, integrated approach can be. 

I’ve designed my offerings to be able to help anybody who is in need of a breakthrough and ongoing support to create their desired life. 

Many people are aware they have ways of thinking, reacting, or behaving that cause them problems but no matter how much they dislike them, or have tried to understand why they happen, they still need a shift in the way their mind is automatically generating their impulses or thoughts. 

That’s typically when people seek me out. When something about how their mind or body is working is NOT working for them. And they appreciate natural, historically and scientifically proven approaches to help get them their results. 

My methods work extremely well at getting the mind and body to stop engaging in feelings and patterns of “fight or flight” responses and exchange them for ones that promote better mental clarity, immune system, digestive system, and nervous system functioning.

In other words...I specialize in helping clients like you experience incredible and often life-changing results that are tailored to your specific circumstances. That means helping you to overcome stress and get a clear, compelling vision for your life, while gaining the tools you’ll need to make it happen.


I'm here to serve you. 

My therapeutic approach is grounded in love, the knowledge of what’s possible, and a commitment to being a compelling force for good in your life and in the world.

All of my content and programs — anything I’m offering has been created to make a real difference for you and those whose lives you touch. It’s meant to help you regain or build a life that you truly love. So you can become an unstoppable force for good in the lives of your loved ones and the world as well.

Yes, I’m running a business. I haven’t found a way to manifest money out of thin air without providing something of value for others to invest in. So yes, I’m proud and deeply grateful to earn a living doing this “work” 😉 

But you should know I’ll be doing this for a living no matter how much I earn. Because it’s about raising the quality of life for people all over the planet for me. That’s why I’ve made a variety of resources available ranging from no cost, minor and more substantial investments. This allows me to be able to sustainably provide help to people at every level of need. Clients who can afford to pay my full rate allow me to offer a select number of scholarships and payment plans each month. That way no one misses out on the opportunity to benefit from services or products.

Thank you for reading this far. Consider this an official invitation to the beginning of what I intend to be a great relationship. I’d love to learn more about you and what you’re looking for right now — just click here to send me an email introducing yourself.

If we're not connected on Instagram or Facebook yet, let’s remedy that situation! We can hang out on IG or Facebook live sometime and you can follow me for my posts on awesome stuff. (I’m on Twitter, too!) 

And if you’d like to benefit from hearing about what I’m learning, loving, and offering, sign up for my newsletter. You’ll mainly only hear from me on Tuesdays unless  something time-sensitive or important requires otherwise.

Plus, as soon as you subscribe you’ll get your first gift from me in your inbox! It’s one of my most powerful guided meditation MP3’s called Resiliency.

My Resiliency recording will help you build up the top five most empowering, resourceful mindsets and feelings I’ve seen in my work with clients over the years. I’ll help you anchor a sense of security, serenity, love, empowerment and gratitude so you can experience less unresourceful fight or flight emotions (fear, anger, guilt, shame, grief, jealousy and envy). 

The more you listen, the more you’ll strengthen the helpful attitudes and feelings within yourself. This conditioning ensures more wisdom and discernment are available for you to use to your advantage whenever you need them. Becoming more resilient and resourceful also means having greater ease, strength and the ability to adapt.

So what are you waiting for?! Click on the “Heck yeah, we’re doing this!!!” button below.

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