Kristin Rivas' Training & Licensing
Kristin has an Associates Degree from Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL where she double majored in Psychology and Missions. Her health crisis forced her to drop out of college in 2008 only a few months before completing her Bachelor's degree. After she recovered her health in 2009, she chose to begin her career as a hypnotherapist rather than pursue a vocation in traditional counseling.
Kristin Rivas Credential Number: HP 60276499
Through her dedication and hard work, Kristin specialized in advanced hypnotherapy, completing over 250 hours of rigorous training and passing a comprehensive exam to demonstrate her expertise. Her commitment to mastering these processes ensures she provides the highest level of care to her clients.
Since that time, she has also studied a variety of hypnotherapy, transformational life coaching, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) modalities under other internationally renowned Master Hypnotists, NLP Practitioners and Life Coaches, such as Ericksonian and Conversational Hypnosis with John Overdurf and Igor Ledochowski, as well as NLP with Michael Bennett and Keith Livingston. She has also taken hypnosis courses from Don Mottin and studied with Personal Performance and Business Coach, Noah Hammond. In 2018, she became a graduate of Tony Robbins Mastery University. Kristin continues to train all over the world, improving and diversifying her skills to be the best possible hypnotherapist, transformational life coach and NLP practitioner for her clients. In 2019, Kristin became a Certified Brain Health Coach with the Amen Clinics.