
Giving Yourself The Gift Of Confidence 

 November 18, 2019

By  Kristin Rivas

If you could give only one gift to a person in the hopes that gift would make the rest of that person’s life infinitely better, what would it be? Money? If so, how much? A home, or some other possession like a robot or a dog? An education, perhaps? How about good health?

If I had only one gift to give a person in hopes that it would help them lead a fulfilling and healthy life, I know exactly what it would be. My answer is based on my career as a hypnotherapist working with over 3,000 clients of all ages, socio-economic backgrounds, and states of mental and physical health. The one thing I would give a person to help them achieve a lifetime full of all the success, love and wealth they could ever dream of, would hands down, be the gift of confidence. 


The reason I would choose confidence above anything else, if it was indeed possible to wave a magic wand and fill someone with a lifetime supply of it, is because I’ve seen too many people squander their gifts without it. I can tell you that one’s capacity to be confident in themselves and their abilities is priceless. It makes more difference than money, connections, or any other kind of resource you could think of. Someone suffering from a lack of confidence can tank everything they’ve got in their life, including their health. They can absolutely waste their intelligence or charisma. An insecure person will not be satisfied by their achievements, looks, status, wealth - whatever it is, you name it, self hate, self doubt and fear can destroy it.

On the other hand, someone who feels confident can manage to overcome all kinds of obstacles and challenges. A person who believes in their value, abilities, convictions, passions and purpose is unshakeable. That person is highly motivated to achieve their goals. They will recognize, utilize and appreciate whatever resources are available to them. A confident person takes good care of themselves. The positive impacts of confidence in one’s life are infinite because it impacts every area of a person’s life and the lives of those around them. How many times has the world changed because a person dared to believe in their ideas and what they had to offer? How many incredible legacies have been created because a person was courageous enough to be confident? To share their talents, skills, and dreams with the world.

Many people ask me if hypnosis can help a person become more confident. The answer is an overwhelming yes! I use hypnotherapy and NLP everyday to help my clients become more confident. Whether that means boosting their self assurance in general or within a specific context. I know it’s certainly helped me over the years. I’ve personally used hypnotherapy to become more confident as a communicator. Hypnosis has improved my ability as a public speaker and my emotional intelligence skills. I’m better able to share my authentic thoughts or feelings and set boundaries when I need to, thanks to hypnotherapy sessions I’ve had.

How exactly does hypnotherapy help a person become more confident? There are a few different ways hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) can increase confidence. Healing old wounds with trauma clearing techniques may be the first step. Sometimes it just takes a powerful integration process for adopting a new belief about yourself. It could also mean anchoring a sense of confidence by conditioning the feeling into your physiology and nervous system. Like using posture, gestures, images, and or phrases to be triggered at the moment you need it instead of a feeling of insecurity. 

Sometimes it involves taking actions that will improve your actual competence in a certain area and then building confidence. After all, Stan Smith a former world No.1 American tennis player and two-time Grand Slam singles champion once said “Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it.” The NLP New Behavior Generator visualization (a meditation found in my store) has been used by many athletes, artists, and professionals to improve their performance. This same method can also help you build adopt a new habit by programming it using your imagination. The better you get at something, the better you feel about what you do, the more confident you can be. Sometimes self esteem has to be earned and that can mean creating better habits for yourself before you feel better about yourself and your life.

If you’re interested to see whether hypnosis can help you become a more confident person, be sure to review my Hypnotherapy FAQ or take the “Am I A Good Candidate For Hypnotherapy?” Survey. These free resources can help you decide whether my hypnotherapy services are best for you.

Kristin Rivas

Kristin Rivas is a certified Brain Health Coach, Hypnotherapist, and NLP practitioner who helps people to feel, think, and live better. Specializing in behavior change and goal achievement, she empowers clients to live to their full potential & foster their own wellness. A former TEDx presenter, she is also a highly sought after speaker.

Kristin Rivas

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